Puli is a medium-sized, compact, square looking dog with a unique, stripped kaput.Tijelo is fine, but build mišićava.Kupola head compared to tijelo.Glava the need to egg-shaped, while the front it will give you a rounded izgled.Rep should curl fairly tightly over the back. The eyes are almond-shaped and dark brown in color. The ears are of medium size, the pigment should be crni.Puna hair adult can touch the ground. Some colors are not permitted in some countries, but in the UK black, any shade of gray, apricot, a rare white everything is permitted.
Pulis are valued for their energy and determination, as a result of their dedicated history. Every Puli is a natural shepherd, and instinctively knows how to herd a flock of sheep and cattle, even if they are raised as a family dog and never been trained for it. It is advisable to start training puli early, especially obedience. They are very independent, strong-willed and difficult to train in adulthood.
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