Monday, April 15, 2013


PUGGLE DOG China is the origin of this breed Puggle. This dog is a medium-sized flat-faced and wrinkled. Puggle dog's body shape is exactly like a pig, a medium-sized body and rounded, with a short tail coiling. This dog is cute when he was drinking, because if this dog drinking, drowning caused his face like a flat. These dogs can also...


NORWEGIAN LUNDEHUND DOG  Norwegian Lundehund is an agile dog, rectangular body and strong legs, toes in dogs have 6 toes on each foot, and it is not owned by another dog. Tail on this dog also bit like pigs, because the circular tail slightly upward. This dog also includes a powerful dog, with ears that rise to the top and stable...


ENTLEBUCHER MOUNTAIN DOG Entlebucher Mountain is one of the dogs who live or lived in the mountains. This dog comes from Switzerland and is a leader. This dog was said the leader, because he was able to keep the dog younger than him, keep, keep an eye on the animal or human that would harm the dog more younger than...


CANE CORSO DOG Cane Corso is a dog who came from Italy, he has a great body and a thick skin, but very thin and short bristles. This dog has some similarities with Pittbull dog, ranging from body, fur, size and mouth wide like a dog hanging Pittbull. Regarding teeth, this dog has great power if the bite, even if the...


OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG Old english Sheepdog is a dog that comes from the english, this dog has two colors on the coat, the color white and gray. Fur in dogs is very dense, starting from the feet, head, and body be covered by thick fur. Facial and eye in dogs is also covered by fur, and the dog is also much like a dog Shih Tzu, Shih Tzu dog just different...


GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG German Shepherd is a strong dog, this dog comes from German. Regarding color, this dog has 2 colors on their feathers, namely, black red and black, but, generally, this dog has a black color. The pointy teeth in dogs and long, so if she bites something, can destroy objects or anything that he bites....


BRIARD DOG Briard is having black hair and dark brown. He is one hairy dog, because the dog's thick fur, so the face, ears, eyes covered by it. This dog was originally to have floppy ears down, however, most people who keep dogs will make dogs ears will stand up. Mean people who make this Aning ears to stand up, because...


BOUVIER DES FLANDRES DOG Bouvier des Flandres is a dog which has thick fur, and feathers are very sensitive when we are not well cared for feathers. Because if we do not take care of his fur, can result in damage to the fur, the fur will roll up roll in because of broken. However, if we make this dog to a dog show at...


   BORDER COLLIE DOG Border Collie dog is one very smart and intelligent. It has a variety of colors, ranging from black and white, brown black, white and others blue. This dog has brown eyes, and these dogs have ears that stand up, and there also have ears that drops down. About the dog's personality, this dog is very suitable to...


BELGIAN TERVUREN DOG Tervurens are highly energetic, intelligent dogs that require work to keep them busy. This can be in this concept, obedience, agility, flyball, tracking and protection work. They also found a job as a measure of search and rescue dogs, finding missing persons and victims of avalanches. Tervurens who do not hold enough work...


WELSH CORGI DOG Welsh Corgi is long the body in relation to the legs, low to the ground dog. His return is not really more than most dogs legs are just a very short usporedbi.Lubanja is wide and flat between ušiju.Stanica is umjerena.Topline is razini.Nos black and jaws meet in a scissors bite. Oval eyes are shades...


SHETLAND SHEEPDOG Shetland Sheepdog is a dog looks like a miniature copy of the rough coated Collie. When viewed from the side, the head looks like a blunt wedge, with the muzzle tapers slightly from ear to nose. The small cell. The teeth meet in a scissors or level ugristi.Nos is black. The almond-shaped eyes are dark, however, blue eyes may...


PYRENEAN SHEPHERD DOG There are two types of Pyrenean Shepherd - oily and coarse face, both of which are slightly different in veličini.Ovčara is muscular and lean, but never fat, and his head is small compared to the rest of the body. The face is intelligent and very expressive, which adds to the appeal Pyrenean Shepherd. The eyes are usually...


PULI DOG Puli is a medium-sized, compact, square looking dog with a unique, stripped kaput.Tijelo is fine, but build mišićava.Kupola head compared to tijelo.Glava the need to egg-shaped, while the front it will give you a rounded izgled.Rep should curl fairly tightly over the back. The eyes are almond-shaped and dark brown in color. The ears...


POLISH LOWLAND SHEEPDOG Polish Lowland Sheepdog is a medium sized, shaggy working pas.Glava is moderately broad and slightly rounded. The drop ears are heart-shaped and set moderately high. The eyes are hazel or brown, but can also be plava.Nos dark. The teeth meet in a level ugriza.Ponovno level and very tight. Hips and thighs...


BELGIAN SHEEPDOG Belgian Sheep Dog is a breed of medium to large-sized herding dog. It originated in Belgium and is similar to other sheep herding dogs from that region, including the Dutch Shepherd, German Shepherd, Briard and others. Four types have been identified by various registries as separate breeds or varieties Groenendael, Laekenois,...


BELGIAN MALINOIS DOG This is a dog intrepid. It is a high-energy breed with the need for regular mental and physical stimulation. He is alert, smart and serious, ideal watchdog and guard dog. He can be aloof with strangers, and some may be dominant. When confined, often working in open circles in an effort to stay in...


BEAUCERON DOG Beauceron is a large dog, athletic, working pas.Tijelo is slightly longer than visok.Glava is long and relatively tijelo.Lubanja the same length with a narrow, sharp or overly broad njuške.Stanica little stressed. Dark brown eyes are horizontal and slightly oval oblika.Poluvrijeme up and down to set high,...


BEARDED COLLIE DOG Collie is intelligent, curious looking dog who loves to play with children. Thought to have originated in the UK, and later spent some time in Scotland, as well as sheep and cattle herder before coming to Ameriku.Bradati Collie is now mostly bred for dog shows, although it makes an excellent family companion. Bearded Collie...


AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD DOG Australian Shepherd has great endurance and love, brave, alert, confident, independent, smart and sensible. If you do not get a chance to exercise and challenge their strongly developed mental and physical activity, it is able to become frustrated and difficult to live with. With proper exercise and training, he is loyal,...


AUSTRALIAN CATTLE DOG Australian cattle dog a moderate build, making it possible to combine high durability bursts of speed and agility extreme need to control unruly cattle. It is sturdy and compact, slightly longer than it is tall. His gait is supple and tireless, and it must be capable of quick and sudden movement. His ability to stop quickly...


ANATOLIAN SHEPHERD DOG Anatolian Shepherd originated in Turkey. They were, and still are used as guards stada.Anatoliju Shepherd was bred to the extreme climatic conditions of Turkey, making them able to withstand extreme heat and cold in the Anatolian plateau. About health with this dog, Prone to hypothyroidism or eyelid entropion. Hip...


WEIMARANER DOG Weimaraners are devoted and loving family members. But they're not the type of dog to follow commands by heart or have predictable habits. Although intelligent, Weimaraners can be selective about when and how they use their intellect. For example, they can evaporate while being taught how to do something, but...


VIZSLA DOG Vizsla is a medium-sized hunting dog. Strong body is slightly longer than visok.Blago rounded skull slender and muscular, broad between the ears with a line down her forehead. Gradually tapered muzzle from the stop to the nose and the same length or shorter than the skull. Sharp teeth like scissors. Thin silk long ears, hanging close...


SPINONE ITALIANO DOG Spinone Italiano is a large dog, rough, with a long head. Square muzzle, when viewed from the side, and the same length as the back of the skull. Big nose, nostrils wide open and white. The teeth meet in a scissors bite or have a diploma. Triangular ears and hanging. Chest broad and deep, extending at least to the elbows....


POINTER DOG Pointer dog, also known as the English Pointer, is a powerful hunting dog. Head about as wide muzzle. Neck long and deep njuška.Nos is black or brown, Dental form level and scissors. Dark round eyes contrast with the markings on their fur. End of prominent ears hang. The front legs are straight. His hair is short, smooth and thick....


NOVA SCOTIA DUCK TOLLING RETRIEVER DOG Nova Scotia Duck Toll Retriever dog looks a bit like a golden retriever puppy. It is a muscular medium-sized dog. These dogs have a deep chest that serves and helps to swim in cold water. Fur in dogs is solid, and red and orange. This usually has a white mark on the feet, chest, tail and sometimes on the...


LAGOTTO ROMAGNOLO DOG Lagotto Romagnolo is a medium-sized dog and muscles. Pretty large head and neck supports strong. Scissors-shaped teeth. And big round eyes. They have several colors including yellow and dark brown, depending on the layer normal. This dog has thick and curly hair kaput.Gusta can protect themselves from the thorns that he can...


LABRADOR RETRIEVER DOG Labrador Retriever dog has a double coat and smooth. Coat color consists of just the color black, yellow or brown. There is also said rare silver or gray. Dogs are the initials of the head is a broad nose, thick black funds black yellow dogs and dog means chocolate smeđe.Nos color often disappears. Teeth are Scissor. The...


IRISH WATER SPANIEL DOG          Irish Water Spaniel is the largest Spaniels.Glava is large with a long, square, deep muzzle, and gradually prestanak.Veliki wear is dark liver color. The teeth meet in a scissors or level bite. Small, brown, almond-shaped eyes. Long ears are set low, hanging close to the...